As some of you may know, I have recently gone back to school. I've applied to a local RN Associate Degree program and am working on related coursework. One of my courses this semester is Nutrition and Diet Therapy, and as part of the course requirements, we're presenting group projects. Yes, pregnancy nutrition was taken by the time I got to sign up, but I managed to snag breastfeeding.
I started by scanning my textbook (which is required as we're primarily presenting the text information and supplying research to compliment). I came across this gem: "The adjustments [of breastfeeding comfortably] are easier if supplemental formula feedings are not introduced until breastfeeding is well established, after at least 3 to 4 weeks. Then it is fine if a supplemental bottle or two of infant formula per day is needed." [Contemporary Nutrition: A Functional Approach]
I had a few choice words and then set out to find the research to disprove it. I'm presenting that here.
First - The statement goes directly against current breastfeeding recommendations. WHO states that "exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond" (Citation) American Academy of Pediatrics goes this far: Supplements (water, glucose water, formula, and other fluids) should not be given to breastfeeding newborn infants unless ordered by a physician when a medical indication exists.” and “Pediatricians and other health care professionals should recommend human milk for all infants in whom breastfeeding is not specifically contraindicated and provide parents with complete, current information on the benefits and techniques of breastfeeding to ensure that their feeding decision is a fully informed one. When direct breastfeeding is not possible, expressed human milk should be provided." (Citation) Healthy People 2020 Targets are exclusively breastfeeding through 3 months - 46.2% and exclusively through 6 months - 25.5% (Citation)
Second: Formula Supplementation has been linked to early breastfeeding cessation: “Partial breast-feeding (supplementing more than one bottle of formula per day, measured at 1 month postpartum) was associated with shorter breast-feeding duration. This latter effect was minimized by frequent nursing (seven or more times per day), despite formula supplementation.” (citation)
And finally: “Clinicians who recommended formula supplementation or who do not think their advice about how long to breastfeed is very important may be sending signals that exclusive breastfeeding is not something that mothers should value highly. In addition, our results indicate that many clinicians do not feel confident in their skills to support breastfeeding and may have limited time to address the issue during preventive visits. As for mothers, experiencing problems with the infant latching on or sucking seems to be a risk factor for not exclusively breastfeeding.” (Citation - I found the full article through Ebscohost and cannot link it directly. You can comment/email me for the file and I will be happy to supply it.)
I'm excited to use the information I've found to disprove such a fallacy and educate other nurses. Let's hope they listen...
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